Some in the answering service business answer 800 number phone calls with an automated voice system, or via interactive (IVR) software with a computerized telephone system. They do not have live operators answer your 800 number telephone calls.
Advanced Answering Service offers an 800 number telephone answering service with live operators answering all your calls. Having live operators answer your toll-free phone number gives small and medium sized businesses the advantage of looking like a much larger firm.
Advantages of Live Answering Services on Your 800 Number
Live operators give a professional first-impression for your business when people call to inquire about your products and services. The positive, caring attitude of a live person increases caller satisfaction and, therefore, the likelihood of the caller completing a business transaction with you. In short, live operators can increase sales and contribute to profits in your business.
Our live operators can take your incoming 800 number calls and provide a number of services:
- Answer your calls with both your company name and a special branding or selling message (for example, “We have on sale this month our #1 selling product. May I tell you about it?”)
- Answer product or service questions using a script you have provided.
- Take orders and complete transactions over the phone.
- Up-sell or cross-sell additional product to the caller after the first sale is completed and the credit card information recorded.
- Set appointments for your business.
- Redirect calls to your sales people.
Toll-Free Numbers Covered by our 800 Answering Service
Advanced Answering Service can answer any toll-free number your business needs answered, including area codes 800, 888, 877, 866, and 855 (started in 2000 but rarely used). These are all special telephone numbers where the caller is not charged for the long distance call. Instead the party called pays for the calls. Area codes 844, 833 and 822 are not currently active but may be in the future.
For information on our 800 Number Answering Service, please call our team today. The live operators are standing by to discuss Advanced Answering Service’s 800 number answering service plans, call us at 610-304-4008.