Nearly all businesses receive calls after hours. To ensure that your business never misses a call, no matter what time it is placed, you need a 24 hour answering service. The right telephone answering service will help your business project a friendly and professional image. Our 24 hour answering service covers you every hour of every day, whether you are on vacation, enjoying a holiday dinner, or simply resting at home with family. The Advanced Answering Service team will find a way to meet the communications needs of your business, keep reading or call now to find out how.
Increase Sales and Client Satisfaction with 24 Hour Live Call Answering
Our 24 hour answering service can increase your sales by ensuring that you never miss a call from a prospective customer. Our live operators give the professional first impression you need to help close new business. And, based upon your instructions, our live operators can contact you immediately so you can follow up instantly or later when you’re in the office, depending upon the exact nature of the call and/or your preference.
One business may need a customized physician answering service, and another may need an order taking service. Whether you are a doctor, lawyer, insurance professional, realtor, or contractor, your business will profit from increased client satisfaction. Because nearly everyone prefers talking with a live person rather than a machine, having a live operator answer your calls 24×7 can dramatically increase your client satisfaction. Ourlive answering service team is the best in the business.
More Benefits of 24 Hour Answering Services
You can choose whether you want full-time 24×7 call answering support or whether you want after-hours and holiday assistance only.
Our 24 hour answering service can help you:
- Take orders: All businesses that sell products and especially those that sell their products on the Internet can profit from 24 hour call answering and order taking. Many buyers cruise the Internet after hours and on weekends, and they often have questions or want to give their credit information to a live person. You will increase your product sales if you add late night, early morning, weekend, and holiday hours to your buying support times.
- Set Appointments: Our professional live operators can create, cancel or change appointments for your business 24×7.
- Make Emergency Contacts: Our 24 hour answering service has a variety of ways to contact you when you have an emergency situation. Our operators can patch you in to an emergency call or send you an emergency alert by your preferred contact method (pager, text, email, fax or phone call). Doctors and many other professions need emergency call handling. From attorneys who receive late night calls from clients in trouble to plumbers who receive calls on holidays for burst pipes, our live operators can communicate the proper concern and ensure you get the message quickly to enable your rapid response.
- Take Messages Live 24×7: When you have a live operator take your messages after hours, you enhance your image as a caring professional and increase your client satisfaction.
Your Choice: 24 Hour Answering Service Follow-Up Options
- Answer and Record: We answer your calls 24X7 and record the messages for you to pick up at your convenience.
- Answer and Send: We answer your calls 24X7 and send you an email or text message with the caller’s name, time/date they called, and their message.
- Answer and Call: We answer your calls 24X7 and call you or a person you designate with the caller’s name, time/date they called, and their message.
- Answer and Filter, Forward, Patch Call: We answer your calls 24X7 and, based upon simple criteria, such as Emergency or Non-Emergency, forward the call to you or simply record the details for your future reference.
- Custom 24 Hour Answering Service Plan: You design the 24 Hour Answering Service Plan that you want and specify how you want specific calls to be handled.